Category: Uncategorized


    Today is an exciting day.  My book FOREVER is live on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel and Author House’s online bookstores. The blogs I wrote when Heroes was going through the submission process, then to the art department and finally production told you a bit about how publishing a book comes together. The pros and cons,…


    May 19, 2011 my first book HEROES went to the publisher. The galleys came, I proofed them and the book went to production. At that time I told you a bit about galleys, what they were and why the need for them. To refresh your memory a bit, I will tell you the need for…


    My new book, FOREVER, has been submitted to the publisher as of today (Friday, January 18, 2013) and should go to the production department Monday. I must say it’s exciting and a little daunting to face once again the work process which goes into publishing a book. I really thought after having one manuscript published…


    Let me start out by wishing a very Happy New Years to all my friends who faithfully visit my web site and check out my Facebook page. I wonder how many of you make New Year’s resolutions.  In years past I’ve done that very thing only to break them at some time during the year.…

  • New Book – FOREVER

    My new book “Forever” is almost ready to go to print.  Before I send it off I wanted to tell you a little bit about my two main characters who’ve become my friends. I’ve cried for them and hoped for them, lost sleep for them and prayed they could be happy.  What happened to them,…


    In 2003 my husband, Bill and I retired and moved to the West Coast of Florida. At this point we sold our house and began our adventure as high rise condo owners which we both love.  Our condo is located on the sixth floor of a seven story building, which we also love. By now…


    A timeless answer to the age-old question   The following is probably the most famous editorial of all time.  It was written by Francis Pharcelllus Church and first appeared in The New York Sun on September 21, 1897.  It’s my pleasure to reprint this letter from a little girl who asks a question that many…


    If you think bullying is something new, then think again.  This form of meanness has been going on in one form or the other for years.  Perhaps the reason so many believe this is something that is happening only in this generation is because we hear about it 24/7 on the spot news casting by…


    This is for everyone out there who has had to leave home for the first time;  some of you because you wanted to and others of you who had no choice. Let me start by telling you this story is about my paternal grandmother (Minnie May) whom I always called Ma Maw as did all…